INTRODUCTION TO VGACALX1 Version 1.0 By Jared DuBois REQUIREMENTS: DOS BASED, VGA REQUIRED, 512K MEMORY MINIMUM RECOMMENDED RESTRICTIONS: PROVIDED IN READ2ND.TXT REQUESTS: A PUBLIC SUPPORTIVE OF SHAREWARE AND ITS AUTHORS. This documentation is provided in addition to the on-line help and registration features. VGACALX1 was created due to a need to keep track of an exercise schedule. I preferred the side by side format of some calendars (calendar on left, events on right) but did not like having to make multiple entries of the same event (every Monday, Wed, etc.). One single entry should always suffice. While in college, I would make long form calendars of each semester to keep track visually of how many weeks I had left for important events, such as the dreaded term papers. Thus the program you see here is a long-form scroll style calendar with daily (weekdays or weekends), weekly, and single day events plus a -to do- list showing up each 'today' until done. You may say 'Why another calendar program? There's already too many!' O.K. granted. But if you need a quick but quiet reminder of what you are suppose to be doing today or tomorrow, this program is fast loading, made for the autoexec.bat file for quick startups, and instead of being a nag, its visually pleasing VGA, and instead of being a bothersome thing to have to go through to get to your given desktop GUI, its program launcher gives 1 key access to up to 9 different GUI's (win, geo, desk) in addition to whatever programs you might wish to add. EASY INSTALL/ UNINSTALL PROGRAM INCLUDED. Reach me by writing to: Jared DuBois PO Box 1329 Dennisport, MA O2639 or if the matter is urgent, e-mail to JARED10@DELPHI.COM (c) Copyright 1994 By Jared P. DuBois